Keep on the Borderlands v1.0.1 released

My first update is done (v1.0.1) with a variety of minor adjustments. I will upload it shortly. I need to FTP due to file size. I'll post again when it is available.

Here are the list of fixes:
* Tried to fix problem with freed prisoner (wild man) causing alignment shift if killed.
* I added map points showing the entrance to each cave in the valley.
* Curate now casts greater restoration in addition to heal when curing the PC & party.
* Curate sells multiple remove disease scrolls.
* Added a few magic items to the stores in the keep.
* Evil clerics started out wounded. Fixed.
* I got a few comments on the lighting. I turned down the shadow intensity for the default lighting in the caves. I don’t really know what I’m doing here. It’s a guess. It was approx .42 (default). I changed it to .22
* Added map points to cave exits (interiors)
* Folks have noted Castellan should be spelled Castlian. In the original mod it is consistently spelled Castellan. I stuck with the original mod.
* I gave Elwe a hat to make it easier to tell him apart from his brother.
* Fixed 3-sided pillar in goblin storeroom.
* Made the sarcophagus in the hobgoblin torture room static.
* Bags in the kobold store room were floating. Fixed.
* Floating wall lamp in the hobgoblin store room deleted.
* The lizard man chief now will drop his club and shield.
* Tried to alter death GUI (unsuccessful, rolled back to default version).


  1. Congratulations on the release of your mod! I've downloaded it but have sworn not to play it until I'm done with "The Birthday"--I'm really looking forward to it, though.

  2. Thanks.

    Ironically, the mod I've built isn't one I'd normally choose to play. Very much a hack and slash mod. It was intended to be a learning experince, and although I did learn I don't know I have time to write my own original mods at present.

    All that said, I hope you enjoy it!


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