2nd Test Pass Completed
I have completed the second full test pass and this time it truly was a full test pass. I was able to proceed through the entire module and complete all the quests.
I still have some dead transitions, botched journal entries, bad dialog/cutscenes, but it's not awful. I wouldn't ask someone to play it in this state, but it is playable.
The biggest fixes pertain to companion dialog, unopenable/useable items, and two empty journal entires I did not anticipate.
Debugging today or tomorrow is unlikely. Here are some screen shots for your enjoyment.

I still have some dead transitions, botched journal entries, bad dialog/cutscenes, but it's not awful. I wouldn't ask someone to play it in this state, but it is playable.
The biggest fixes pertain to companion dialog, unopenable/useable items, and two empty journal entires I did not anticipate.
Debugging today or tomorrow is unlikely. Here are some screen shots for your enjoyment.

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