Testing begins

Ok... that's it. I put the nail in the coffin so to speak. It's all in there, now on to testing.

Is the module everything I intended and hoped. No, but it is done and I want it to be done.

I suppose I always finish up wishing it was more, but I am frustrated. I intended this to be a quick learning experience and found the toolset so demanding (in terms of time required) that this is likely to be it. The 2 or 3 ideas I have in my head for what I think would be interesting modules will likely not come to fruition.

How will this module be?

It will be a dungeon crawl. I usually don't do hack n' slash adventures, but that's what a lot of the old school mods are and this mod definitely falls into that genre. I wanted to do a lot more with the plot and especially with companions, but I am burnt out. Hopefully despite it's short comings the module will be enjoyed when it's released.

Good gravy I'm tired of working on this crazy thing.

Does anyone know how to package up one of these things. I've got a large module, a campaign file/folder, and an overland map.

That's enough for now. UGH!!!


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