Post release thoughts. Debugging

Well, I'm stunned at the number of votes and downloads after less than 48 hours. It took months for my NWN1 mods to get that kind of traffic. I suppose folks are hungry for NWN2 modules.

I noted before I almost re-did my NWN1 conversion of Tomoachan, but was missing too many placeables and creatures. B2 seemed easier as a learning project. Ironically this may be it for me. The toolset for NWN2 is amazing, but with the power comes more development time and I'm lucky enough to have 3 very terrific sons and a great wife that I'd like to give my time.

Although this is the least favorite module I have done to date, and the rating scale is better defined, but the 6.0 ratings are tough to take. oh well. Given the scale and how the other mods are fairing I suppose a rating between 7.5 and 8.0 is ok. My goal was to get an average no lower than 7.0 and my hope was for an 8.0.

I will do a debug pass again soon. I've got many tweaks that I can make that have been passed along by players. Nothing awful, but some things to fix.

I have also received kind encouragement to write more modules. I have my own stories I would love to tell and if time were no object I would write more, but I am burned out, the weather is getting warm and I miss my kids (and sunlight). It's time to get my pasty white self out of the chair and outside. (laugh)

Thanks to EVERYONE who has written, posted or played. I truly appreciate it. Seeing something I've written played and hopefully enjoyed is a thrill and it's a big part of why I keep cranking these out.

Take care all!


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