Ka Mon Ra

I've corresponded with David J Zewalk for several years, ever since I had a site hosted by Lord Alexander over at the now offline RPGS web server. David has been steadily working on a PnP module, 'Ka Mon Ra' ever since I have known him. Recently he finished the module and it is now sold in local gaming shops in the
Cleveland area.

The Temple of Ka Mon Ra is a 120-page perfect bound book full color book. Independent authors and artist created all artwork and writing, which is reminiscent from the old Dungeon and Dragon Modules. The adventure module features a completely unique storyline that will keep all the players engaged throughout the entire campaign.

The Temple of Ka Mon Ra uses the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons rules system. The 3.5 rules system allows players to completely customize their characters to their choice, which makes this Adventure Module a completely new experience every time it is played with a different group.

You just learn about the strange deaths occurring throughout the Jungle Outpost, Taboo. Each of the murdered victims had their hands sliced from their wrists for some unforeseen dark purpose. You also hear rumors of vampires attacks occurring at night, randomly striking any unfortunate soul who happens to cross their path. Stranger yet, the King and Queen who were on their return trip back to the Kingdoms of the Northlands, after some heavy trade negotiations, are under the influence of some type of dark magic. All these events are somehow connected to a nearby ancient temple ruin, THE TEMPLE of KA MON RA.

David let me know the module can be purchased from the following stores.

4704 Rocky River Drive
Cleveland Ohio 44135
216 433 1316

RECESS comics, games & more
Great Northern Mall
North Olmsted OH 44070
440 779 7008

Way to go David!


  1. i thought i remembered this form the vault

    ...just wish i had time to still DM modules like that!

  2. Yup, I think you've got it right. He's posted on this blog once or twice too if I recall correctly. Very nice guy.

    I too wish I had time to DM a game.


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