I am interested in using a few visual effects from NWVault . Specifically, dripping water and some vines . I haven't tried the vines yet, but I have used the water. I placed the five files included botu_dropsfx.sef (this seems to be the main FX file) botu_dropsend.pfx (part of the fx file, the start point of the drop or particle emitter) botu_drops.pfx (I'm guessing the end point of the drop) botu_dropsend.tga botu_drops.tga I dropped all five files in the override with no effect. This closed thread on biowares forums was helpful. I put all of the contents in the temp file for the module. I was able to copy a place effect, and pick the drops from the list. Unfortunately autosave started throwing a terrible error. I experimented moving everythign but the .sef to the override and the module wouldn't open properly (no worries, I had a backup). It's exactly what I need, but I'm not sure how to safely install it for distribution and/or development. I'd also ...