World Map Functional

I now have a functional world map for my NWN2 module Keep on the Borderlands. I used Sunjammer's tutorial which saved me more time than I could have hoped. Great tutorial. Well written and easy to follow. I got stuck on a few little things, I wasn't declaring my variables as strings in the area transition triggers and the variables and their values would vanish when I saved and loaded the toolset.

Now that it's functional, I have a bunch of things to fix, bad mouse overs, a few transitions not quite the way I want them, but I basically have it working. I can do all of the things I want to do with it. Thanks to Sunjammer for the tutorial

With that said, does Keep on the Borderland's need a world map. If you are familiar with the module you know I don't have to have one. It might be fun to do everything with traditional map transitions. I think it's fine to handle travel with the world map too, and it gives me the chance to learn how to put one together. Learning how to use the toolset and many of it's new features is really driving this project.

I have used a scan of the original Keep on the Borderland's wilderness map for the world map. Those who know the original module will really get a kick out of it. Those who don't may not like it, or might find it odd to have the 'graph paper' look, but in the end, I really like it so I am going with it.

More to follow...


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