5e Conversion of B6 the Veiled Society

I have created a 5e conversion of B6: The Veiled Society. Enjoy. B6 The Veiled Society - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (dmsguild.com) The following information is a 5E D&D conversion of the various monsters, creatures, and encounters for the classic basic D&D module B6: The Veiled Society. In addition, a flow chart has been provided outlining how the encounters and murder investigation clues fit together. The original module is required to use this conversion guide. Maps have been prepared at 70 DPI of key locations. Grid and no grid variants of most maps are included. These maps may be useful when running any urban adventure. Maps provided include: Map 2: Festival of Lucor 1400 x 1820 Map 3: Under the Streets 1190 x 3500 Map 5: The Ambush 1120 x 1820 Map 6: Chase with Chambers of the Veiled Ones 6370 x 6720 Bonus Map: Tavern upper and lower level 1400 x 1740