5e Conversion Guide with Maps for T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil

A 5e Conversion guide and maps for the T1-T4 The Temple of Elemental Evil have been posted at DMs Guild. Enjoy https://www.dmsguild.com/product/353963/The-Temple-of-Elemental-Evil-5E-Conversion-Guide-with-Maps 5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creatures encounters for T1-4: The Temple of Elemental Evil. The conversion guide is 78 pages. In addition, 19 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided. Maps include: The Village of Hommlet Inn of The Welcome Wench Traders’ Establishment Church of St. Cuthbert Guard Tower Ruins of the Moathouse Moathouse Dungeons Nulb Tower Ruins The Temple (exterior) Two variants of the temple exterior are provided. The second variant is provided as a single composite map and as smaller sections. The Temple (interior) Dungeon Level 1 Dungeon Level 2 Dungeon Level 3 Dungeon Level 4 Air Elemental Node Earth Elemental Node Fire Elemental Node Water Elem...