What's next

Tomoachan has been out nearly one week. I've got nearly 700 downloads and a ton of great feedback. People seem to be enjoying it, particularly the original part of the mod, and I'm very happy.


I've retired from mod writing again. The same way I do after every module...but... there are two or three things running around my brain for the future.

I'd love to do Expedition Barrier Peaks, but I'm missing a few things. I don't have a clear cut backstory as interesting as this. Perhaps if the d20 modern produces the right content. I thought I had seen a modern NWN2 mod around the vault but I can't find it.

2nd, I need something in between Barrier Peaks and Tomoachan to bridge the PC levels together.

I have my own totally unique campaign idea in my head, that has what I hope will be a few interesting characters and interesting dilemmas but it's a crapload of dialog and scripting.

Finally if there is ever an airship model I'd consider doing something with Hythum, my NWN1 campaign, but time will tell.

For now I'm playing Star Trek Legacy for a change of pace.

Oh yeah, and I've retired from mod writing for ever... for now.


  1. "Oh yeah, and I've retired from mod writing for ever... for now."

    Heheh...LIAR. ;)

  2. What? I retire forever after every module. I'm very consistent.

  3. You leave me no choice. I'll give those airships a try and see if I can come up with something you just *have* to build something with :)

  4. No... Don't do it... Think of the poor children yearning to spend some time with their father. But instead he will be caught in the grip of the soul-sucking computer with visions of airships in his eyes.

  5. LOL! That's too funny, but it's also COMPLETELY TRUE!

  6. If you're looking for a classic PNP bridge from C1, might I recommend C2 - The Ghost Tower of Inverness? PNP version was levels 5-7, but it would be easy to scale... more soul-stealing fun for all!

  7. PS- finished C1 last night. You made me stay up late before an early morning rig call - shame on you! Seriously, enjoyed your work very much. Keep it up!

  8. Hey Mr Darke,

    Thanks for checking out the mod. I am glad you enjoyed it!



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