The Return of Hythum???

Amarapher hinted that he would build an Airship after seeing one of my posts about needing and airship to build NWN2 Hythum modules. It looks like he is quite serious, and I am amazing to find the following on his blog!

Airships! Oh boy....

Did anyone read what Bruce posted after seeing that an airship might be build...

No... Don't do it... Think of the poor children yearning to spend some time with their father. But instead he will be caught in the grip of the soul-sucking computer with visions of airships in his eyes.

It calls to me.... the soul-sucking glow of the computer calls to me.


  1. I'm pure evil, leading poor fathers into the dark... :)

    Don't worry you have all the time in the world to do real life stuff. It'll take me quite some time to complete them.

  2. They look terrific. Can't wait for the finished product!


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