Testing and Debugging

I spent a lot of the day testing and debugging Tomoachan, except for some time with the kids, and watching the Illinois Football Game. Go Illini!

It's slow going but good progress. My stuff, my original stuff preceding the 'dungeon' is very stable and good enough to be called done. The dungeon is slowly improving. I have progressed half way through, with luck I'll be able to slug through the whole thing.

I'm presently testing with the beginning of the dungeon moving forward only. If I can get through the whole thing I'll switch from testing to adding loadscreens.

Being able to get through the whole thing will be another milestone in a sense.

The stuff that is vexing me was not a problem in Keep on the Borderlands. Fetching items from placeables, making placeable bashable, talking to placeables, I'll figure it all out, it's not awful, but less is working than I would like at this point.

I'm officially feeling pangs of burnout.

I want to release the module, I am VERY eager to share it and see if people enjoy the story. I haven't released an original story since Hythum II, and this has a lot of original storytelling.

Tired and done for now.

More testing ahead.

Oh... one major bug. The I have exterior area which is actually supposed to be an interior room. When it loaded it was very blurry. Here's a picture.

Anyone seen anything like this?


  1. Hm THat blurred image is a new one on me. what textures should it be, and did you play with the lighting settings?

  2. I did play with the lighting, I think I reduced some of the intensity settings to near zero (but not zero) to simulate an interior. That screen shot is with a light spell cast.

    I upped some of the lighting and rebaked it. It does look just fine in the toolset. Very odd.

  3. I've seen something similar once when I had like ten different low intensity light sources in the same pitch black exterior area square. It didn't show up in the toolset, but when playing the area went blurrish in certain angles. Removing some light sources, changing the intensity and re-baking did the thing. Good luck!

  4. I changed the intensity and rebaked it. I don't have any lights sources, so hopefully that does it. I haven't been back in the area while testing yet. Very odd.


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