I feel good! Progress made.

I feel great! I have made more progress and I am stopping for the weekend. I have successfully added load screens and tga file to conversations via HAK files. That was the last 'new' technical hurdle, new to me at any rate. The load screens could be sharper but I am happy with the effect.

The bug list is shrinking along side.

I really am closing the gap on the end of this thing. With luck 4-8 hours, no more than 16 to finish this thing up, as long as the last few major bugs fall at the same rate they have been.


With that said, I am stopping for the weekend.


  1. Sounds fab, glad to hear! Played through the last part of your NWN1-version last weekend. It was a good portion of really nice dungeon crawling.

    I'm looking into how make load screens myself. Any tips or do you know of any good tutorial?

  2. Hey,

    The load screens went surprisingly well. I was even able to use the imported images in conversations. This worked in tested, but is now causing my 'epilogue' cutscene to fail completely. Perhaps I can't have a tga image on the first node of a cutscene that fires when you enter an area.

    My experience with custom music paid off big time. I had a few AH HA moments while working on music that really helped.

    I'd look at this custom music guide by Sir Nugz for general info about playing with 2da files, and the last post in this thread on bioware's forum helps with the load screens. When I was done, I tossed the 2da file and images (no folders) in a HAK file and presto... I'm good to go.

    I hope this helps a little. I am awed and overwhelmed by how helpful the mod building community has been as I built this module.

    I think your Zork mod is going to blow folks out of the water. It looks quite impressive. Good luck with it.


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