Knocked a few bugs out

I've slowly knocked a few bugs out this week, but haven't had much time to work on this.

I took care of a henchmen related bug that was very important. I have one important bug remaining. The others I can always go around, or just change things if I'm really stuck.

I have a critical encounter that ends either with the death of an NPC or through dialog. When both of these events occur I call a jump the party to a new area, the same area. Then an on enter script fires and a dialog starts. This dialog starts if the NPC dies but not if they jump occurs through dialog. I'm not sure what's up. Very puzzling, but I am not out of tricks quite yet.

Another stubborn but non important bug involve using and item to spawn a creature. This is not a critical encounter, and I finally just laid a encounter trigger around the object and would have the creature spawn when you approached it. That doesn't work either. It's active... got a valid number of creatures... very odd...

Otherwise I have three issues I have not tinkered with that will be a big ol' pain in the neck. If I really get stuck I can just do something different, but I'd hate to lose some cool ideas.

Getting closer..


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