Very early shots of Port Leaton

About a week ago I started working on Port Leaton, the largest city players visit in Hythum. It's FAR from done, but I have been very excited about how it's coming along. I have a very clear vision of what I want. There is a lot to do and more to fix on this area, and I have a feeling it may take longer than any other single area I build.

Here are some VERY EARLY screen shots of this area. They are very unfinished, but I was excited about the early results and wanted to show off this work in progress.


  1. Very nifty shots! Great work, and makes me even more excited to be able to play the module!!


  2. Thanks Liso. I know what I want to do in this area and it's coming along nice, but it's also coming along slowly. :-)

  3. Love those ballon ships! Where do they come from?

  4. The one and only Amraphael's -

    He's a great guy!


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