Screenshots from Hythum and Adam Miller Podcast

I've got some screen shots from Hythum to share. The first three are from Castle Boyden, which you might remember if you played the original. The others are from a crypt somewhere in Hythum. I'm making progress slowly but surely.

I'd also recommend hoping over to Neverwinter Podcast today. Michele/Liso landed a great interview with Adam Miller. They are also going back to weekly rather than bi-weekly podcasts. Double kudos to the podcast team.


  1. Hey Ernie!

    Thanks for the podcast shout.

    Also, very coolies on the screen shots! I do want to go clean all those spider webs though :D hehe I love the sunset one! Very nice.


  2. I love screen shots, and they are just getting better and better. Are the one in the middle from RWS Sewers?

  3. @amrpahael: They are from the Pit Crypt tileset actually. I'm using Deep Sewers, Pit Crypt, Deep Caves/Cavers and RWS towers... and an airship some nice fellow put together for me.

    @liso: I'll be sure to have a dust pan and small broom included as placeables. ;-)

    No problem about the podcast shout. It was a great interview.

  4. I've really liked some of the landscape shots you've been posting recently. Great work (not o say I don;t think the interiors are great too!)

  5. Oh! A dustpan of dirt slashing and a broom of +1 sweep speed increase!


  6. This is kind of cruel, but when I used to DM paper and pencil games I would always sell my players a 'Rope for climbing' rather than a magic 'Rope of Climbing'. I used to do that from time to time, and it was pretty funny.

  7. Nice shots, Ernie - my favorites, of course, are the ones with the Airship in back! ;)

  8. I'm happy with how it's coming along. Got a ways to go, but I'm chipping away at it.

  9. Those airship shots never fail to amaze me.

    Love the crypt shots too. I'll have to take a closer look at these custom tilesets you're using.

  10. Thank you good sir. I like the airships too. Kudos once again to Amraphael for creating them.


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