Stygius Project

I recently had an opportunity to look over the story outline, dialog and other plot related content for Stygius, a module currently in development by several community members. The story is different, and not a traditional D&D tale, but it is utterly fascinating. I was really able to connect with the characters, and found I was reading through the material that was shared with me faster and faster. I couldn't wait to find out where the story was headed. The dialog is great, many of the characters have a unique and well defined voice. The story held my attention, and I was invested emotionally by the end. There were a few good surprises along the way to boot!

This mod seems to be fairly early in development, but it's something to watch and look forward to. Click here to read the Stygius blog!


  1. Thank you for the kind comments Ernie. Writing this story and dialog has created crazy dreams when I sleep! Or it is making me crazy resulting in the dreams. :P

    Either way. I am having a blast with the story. Dialog firing off in my head to the point I must be showing signs of schizophrenia!

    Best Regards

    PS: Some how I managed to comment in the wrong one. So if you see a deleted post. I did it!

  2. No worries about the double and deleted post. The story and dialog I was able to read look very intriguing. Can't wait to see the final product.

  3. I have to say - I'm excited to see progress on this module as well.

    The art that Johnny Ree produces is amazing and Michele's writing is the stuff that grabs you and won't let go!

  4. jclef must be shy today. He is a very talented musician and will be doing custom music for Stygius & prelude. Also some area builds. Not to leave out my partners in crime. Jay and Trey from podcast. Trey working on side quest and Jay on some scripting.

    Thank you again Ernie.


  5. My pleasure. I really am impressed with what I had a peak at. This is a project to watch.


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