Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema's Back on track for 'The Hobbit'

It looks like New Lines Cinema and Peter Jackson have resolved there squabble and are back online for the film version of 'The Hobbit'. I have read it will be split into two films. Oooh......

read more here


  1. I hope it will be so great as I want it to be! Jackson is the right person for the job in my opinon.

    BTW we went to se the New Line Cinema production of Phil Pullmnan's "The Golden Compass". I really enjoyed (but I always enjoy that kind of movies, my colleagues say) it and immediately wanted to see the rest of the books too.

  2. The Hobbit was and is one of my favorite books. It has been ever since I was 10, and I have re-read it many times. I am thirlled they are making TWO movies to tell the story. It sounds absolutely outstanding.

  3. I'm glad they're back on track to make it, but making it as two movies seems a bit excessive. Where exactly do you put the break?

    I think that a single movie, if it was the length of the LOTR ones (2 1/2 hours or so), would be perfect for the Hobbit. I honestly think that if they split it into two movies, they're going to have to either artificially lengthen it, or make two fairly short movies.

    Splitting into three for LOTR made sense, because LOTR is three books. The Hobbit is one book, they should make one movie.

  4. We'll see, a pair of two our movies. The final cut of Return of the King was 4 hours. I wonder where the cut would be myself. Time will tell.

  5. Going through the Hobbit in my mind, I really can't think of a good place to cut it.

  6. I thought right after the dialog with Golumn, but perhaps that's too soon.

  7. Jackson might be able to pull that off.

    I'll go and see this when it comes out, but I'm going to be a bit apprehensive about the whole two movie thing. I have to wonder if it's just the studio trying to milk the franchise, because I can't see any actual artistic reason for cutting a story like the Hobbit in half. It's just too short.

  8. Do you think they'll do Beorn? Or do you think he'll go the way of Tom Bombadil?

  9. If it's really two movies Beorn seems likely to be included. I certainly hope so. Gandalf's introduction of the dwarves is a wonderful seen and it would be sad to exclude it.


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