Keep on the Borderlands reviewed on NWVault by Dormammu

B2 Keep on the Borderlands was reviewed on NWVault by Dormammu. Dormammu is a long time reviewer who was kind enough to review my first module for NWN1 Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan.

The full review can be found here:

I really enjoyed Dormammu's review. The comments were very fair and in my opinion quite positive. More important I got to enjoy a narrative of his experience while playing the mod. I get such a kick out of hearing the story from the players point of view. I always used to DM games and I suppose it's the same type of satisfaction and enjoyment for me. Here is one of my favorite bits that illustrates what I am talking about:

Nothing surprised me more than taking my group of four (level 2 at that point) into an “easy” cave of goblins, only to have one of the goblins start yelling “HELP! GET THE BIG ONE!”, and an Ogre comes running out at us. Zounds! I went from feeling invincible to as vulnerable as a belly up beetle in about 3 seconds. Luckily, Garth hit a critical on the Ogre as it ran towards me and we were able to dispatch it with little trouble (and only a couple potions).

Kudos to Dormammu on a fair and enjoyable review!


  1. Congrats on the review. :) I knew you'd enjoy it, and I've been itching to say something to you about it, but I didn't want to spoil any of the surprise. -B

  2. I'm really thrilled with the review. I shared it with my wife and she got a kick out of it too.

    It almost coaxed me out of 'retirement' to write again. I am still tempted to open the toolset, but am trying to resist.


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