Berliad rated Keep on the Borderlands a 7.0 and posted a detailed response on both the vault and his blog . You can read his review with some great screen shots here . Here is the text from the review: My Vote: 7 - Very Good, Deserves a Look Character Played: lv. 1 Human Female Chaotic Good Cleric, advanced to level 5 by end. This is a fun, old fashioned, low-level D&D dungeon crawl. It's pretty straight and to the point -- there's a bunch of Bad Things living near the keep, and the local leader thinks it'd be great if you'd go kill them for him. So, off you go to the Caves of Chaos to slay evil and rid the area of their infestation. The thing I really enjoyed about this module was exploring the many intricate and interconnected dungeons that make up the many Caves of Chaos. Each cave housed a different tribe representing a different sort of monster, and each tribe had a "boss" leader of sorts that I needed to kill. But while that sounds fairly simple, ...