
Showing posts from 2021

D3 Vault of the Drow - 5e Conversion Guide with Maps

  I've created digital maps and a 5e conversion guide for D3 Vault of the Drow and posted them on DM's Guild.  Enjoy. 5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creature encounters for the classic module D3 Vault of the Drow.  The original module is required to use this conversion guide.  The module references items in the Dungeon Masters Guide and creatures from the Monster Manual, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes, and Volo’s Guide to Monsters. The conversion guide is 60+ pages.   11 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided.  Maps provided include: Vault of Drow Vault Great Fane of Lolth 1st level Vault Great Fane of Lolth 2nd level Vault Great Fane of Lolth 3rd level Vault Great Fane of Lolth 4th level Vault Great Fane of Lolth 5th level Vault Great Fane of Lolth Dungeon level V...

Maps and 5e Conversion Guide for WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun

  I've created digital maps and a 5e conversion guide for WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun and posted them on DM's Guild.  Enjoy.   18 maps at 70 DPI ready for online use. The maps were prepared to run WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun. There are two variants of each map, one with a grid, one without. The overland map has a hex and no hex variant, rather than a grid variant. The eight valley maps were not included in the original module publication, but are likely to be needed by a dungeon master running this adventure. Maps include: Temple Exterior Upper Temple Lower Temple Lower Temple with Insert Temple Insert Temple Dungeon Level The Undertemple The Cyst Overland Orc Lair Forest Valley A Forest Valley B Grassy Valley A Grassy Valley B Mountain Trail A Mountain Trail B Rocky Valley A Rocky Valley B

I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City - 5e Conversion Guide with Digital Maps

I have finished a 5e conversion guide with maps for I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City.  It's posted over a DMs guild.  Check it out!   I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City - 5e Conversion Guide with Maps - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild ( 5E D&D conversion of the various monsters and creatures encounters in the classic adventure module I1: Dwellers of the Forbidden City. The original module, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Masters Guide are required to use this conversion guide. Eight digital maps with grid and no-grid variants are included as well as over a dozen new monsters. Maps have been prepared at 70 DPI of key locations. Grid and no grid variants of most maps are included. Maps provided include: TheForbiddenCity(115x79) DwellersOfTheForbbidenCity_MapA_4620x7490 DwellersOfTheForbbidenCity_MapC_4760x7630 DwellersOfTheForbbidenCity_MapG_3500x3500 DwellersOfTheForbbidenCity_MapH_2800x2800 DwellersOfTheForbbidenCity_MapI_2800x2800 Dwellers...

5e Conversion Guide of S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth

I've just released a  5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creature encounters for the classic adventure S4: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. The original module is required to use this conversion guide. This guide includes stat blocks for more than 15 new monsters in addition to new magic items and artifacts. Here's a link to the conversion guide on DMs Guild. Fourteen maps have been prepared at 70 DPI of key locations.  Grid and no grid (or hex) variants of most maps are included.  Maps provided include: Tsojcanth Wilderness Tsojcanth Lesser Caverns 5600 by 7070 Tsojcanth Greater Caverns 5320 by 6860 Gnome Lair 4970 by 6090 Labyrinth 3640 by 3990 Armored Automaton Room 840 by 840 Hall of Pentacles 1120 by 1120 Mountain Nest 2100 by 2100 Mountains with River and Cave 3500 by 3500 Mountain Trail Ogre Den 2240 by 2240 Mountain Valley 1920 by 1080 Mountain Valley 2840 by 2840 Version A Mountain Valley 2840 by 2840 Version B Mountainside Trail 1...

Dungeons & Dragons Annouces Next "Evolution" of Game Coming in 2024 reports that Dungeons & Dragons will receive a major rules update in 2024.  It's characterized as a backwards-compatible, "Evolution", not a new version. Read the whole article here

Blue Dragon's Lair

The lair of a blue dragon plaguing the surrounding lands has been found. The dragon’s mountain, forever shrouded in powerful storms beckons. Brave adventures who are seeking to put down the beast and claim its stolen treasures must scale the mountain and do battle with the dragon. This brief but challenging adventure details a blue dragon’s lair. If you need a ready-made dragons lair to drop into your campaign, this adventure will fit the bill! It is recommended for five or six characters of tenth or eleventh level. This one-shot uses monsters from the Monster Manual. This book is needed to run this adventure.

D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth - 5e Conversion Guide with Maps

  My new 5e conversion guide with maps for D1-2 Descent Into The Depths of the Earth is up over at DMsGuild.   Check it out.   5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creature encounters for D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth.  The conversion guide is 44 pages.   In addition to the PDF conversion guide, the same information is included in an alternate excel format, which the author used in his own campaigns.  Finally, 11 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided.  Maps provided include: Encounter Area 1 1890 by 2170 Encounter Area 2 1820 by 1960 Encounter Area 3 1820 by 1680 Encounter Area 4 1960 by 4060 Encounter Area 5 1960 by 2170 Troglodyte Warrens Complete Troglodyte Warrens West Troglodtye Warrens East Shrine of the Kou Toa 10150 by 6720 Shrine of the Kou Toa Lower Level Northwest (royal chambers) Shrine of the Kou Toa Lower Level Southeast (...

Lost Temple of the Yuan-Ti - a 5e One Shot for 7th or 8th level characters

Strange abductions of villagers and travelers are growing bolder near the port town of Caraal on the edge of the Glimmerhold Jungle. Frightened and half-crazed, a woman has escaped from her captors and returned to civilization. She tells tales of snake men who inhabit the ruins of an ancient temple deep in the jungle. Adventures are called for to put down this threat. The jungle is thick and full of strange creatures. The ancient terrors of the Yuan-Ti are only rivaled by whispers of the treasures of their lost civilization.  Will you answer the call and end this threat? This one-shot adventure is recommended for five seventh-level characters or four eighth-level characters. This adventure uses monsters from both the Monster Manual and Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Both of those books are needed to run this adventure. Four digital maps at 70 DPI, suitable for online use are included with this adventure with both grid and no-grid options.   Four new monsters are included in th...

5e Conversion of B6 the Veiled Society

  I have created a 5e conversion of B6: The Veiled Society.  Enjoy.   B6 The Veiled Society - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild ( The following information is a 5E D&D conversion of the various monsters, creatures, and encounters for the classic basic D&D module B6: The Veiled Society.  In addition, a flow chart has been provided outlining how the encounters and murder investigation clues fit together.  The original module is required to use this conversion guide.  Maps have been prepared at 70 DPI of key locations. Grid and no grid variants of most maps are included. These maps may be useful when running any urban adventure. Maps provided include: Map 2: Festival of Lucor 1400 x 1820 Map 3: Under the Streets 1190 x 3500 Map 5: The Ambush 1120 x 1820 Map 6: Chase with Chambers of the Veiled Ones 6370 x 6720 Bonus Map: Tavern upper and lower level 1400 x 1740

5e Conversion Guide for DL1 Dragons of Desolation

I have posted a 5e conversion guide for DL1 Dragons of Desolation over at DMsGuild.  Check it out! This is a 5e D&D conversion guide of the various monsters and creatures encounters for the classic module DL1: Dragons of Despair. The original module is required to use this conversion guide and may be purchased here.  The adventure is intended for characters from 4th level to 6th level.  Conversions of the original pre-generated characters are included.  Maps have been prepared at 70 DPI of key locations. Grid and no grid variants of most maps are included. Maps provided include: Xak Tsaroth – Swamp (no grid only) Xak Tsaroth – Temple of Mishakal (areas 46a-46g) Xak Tsaroth – Beneath the Temple (areas 47a-47j) Xak Tsaroth – Middle Level (areas 51a-57b) Xak Tsaroth – Lower Ruins (areas 59a-70k)

5e Conversion Guide with Maps for WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure

I have uploaded a 5e Conversion Guide with Maps for WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure to DM's guild.  Enjoy. The following is 5e conversion of the various monsters, magic items, pre-generated characters, and creatures encounters in the classic TSR module WG5:Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure by Gary Gygax.  You will need a copy of the original module to use this conversion guide.   The original module is available for purchase on DMsGuild.   3 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided. Maps included: Dungeon Level 01 Dungeon Level 02 Dungeon Level 03

5e Conversion Guide with Maps for T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil

 A 5e Conversion guide and maps for the T1-T4 The Temple of Elemental Evil have been posted at DMs Guild.  Enjoy 5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creatures encounters for T1-4: The Temple of Elemental Evil.  The conversion guide is 78 pages.  In addition, 19 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided. Maps include: The Village of Hommlet Inn of The Welcome Wench Traders’ Establishment Church of St. Cuthbert Guard Tower Ruins of the Moathouse Moathouse Dungeons Nulb Tower Ruins The Temple (exterior) Two variants of the temple exterior are provided. The second variant is provided as a single composite map and as smaller sections. The Temple (interior) Dungeon Level 1 Dungeon Level 2 Dungeon Level 3 Dungeon Level 4 Air Elemental Node Earth Elemental Node Fire Elemental Node Water Elem...

Maps for B4 The Lost City

I have published maps for B4 The Lost City to DMs Guild.   Enjoy! Ten maps at 70 DPI ready for online use. These maps were prepared to run B4: The Lost City. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided. In addition four varients are provided for Tier 3, one with each orientation of the rotating hallway in the center of the map. Maps include: First Tier Second Tier Third Tier Fourth Tier Fifth Tier Sixth Tier Seventh Tier Eighth Tier Ninth Tier Tenth Tier