Eldest Son's Award Winning Artwork

I've mentioned my eldest son is a talented artist, and he won top honors in several categories at the county fair this year. Take a peak here at my personal blog to see photos of his work.


  1. Wow, that watercolor is spectacular. Great use of color and light.

  2. He is quite talented, and I mean it sincerely, it's not just fatherly pride.

  3. Wow, that's impressive for an 8 to 13 year old. There's maturity in these works, as much in the execution as in the subject matter, you would not necessarily expect. Nice job Sean!

  4. He's a big history buff to, which you might guess based on the pencil sketch. I know a fair amount about history but he know a more than I do about certain topics.

  5. So when does he start doing custom textures for the modules?:D

    That's Awesome Ernie! Congrats to your son. I see why you were excited to post this!


  6. Hey Liso,

    Always a pleasure to hear from you. My eldest son is pleased with the award and with the positive feedback posted here.

    He has done a bit of Hythum related artwork for me.



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