Darmok, my good friend of *mumbledy mumble* years. (it's been so long we don't speak of it) has commented that he had not checked my blog in nearly two weeks. Well... my good friend and office mate said now that I am not working on my mod I haven't been posting. I was surprised to see a 10 day gap and although I am not quite ready to dive back into mod writing today this 'challenge' from Darmok along with a reply to my previous post from Tauschitz did get me thinking about it again. Maybe... possibly... I don't know, I've got a big work project perhaps when that's done. The thing is my good friend Darmok should be restraining me. He should tell me to 'put the toolset down and slowly back away', but NOOOO... he taunts me. He taunts me! He goads me back towards the toolset. 'Just try one more dose, it won't hurt you'. Darn it! I need to make a will save or call my modders anonymous sponsor. (if anyone is at all unclear, this k...