Single Player, Male Character, Tallish Character

Lariam asked a question in response to my last post. My response was so long I decided to copy it and make it a full/formal post.

You've got it. The starting level is around 4 or 5.

There are a few very unusual things (for me) about this module.

1) The module does reference the Forgotten Realms. My modules are often 'general' and can fit in anywhere. I do reference Maztica somewhat frequently, and there is at least one reference to the Sword Coast. I think this helped with the story a bit to put it in a more concrete context.

2) All alignments are supported, but in general I recommend good or neutral.

3) This is not a sequel to Keep on the Borderlands, but picks up right where you character would leave off from an xp/level standpoint. Most characters can be carried over.

4) There is a 'romance' element that factors into the main plot, and thus I'm strongly recommending a male character. Some of the dialog indicates a the player is a male. If a player doesn't mind a few odd references they could play a woman, but the 'romance' would still be with a woman.

5) The 'romance' is with a human female, thus players may opt for a human, half-elf, elf... If players don't mind a 'romance' between a human woman and a short halfling, more power to them. Personally I'd think it's a bit silly looking.

6) I've tried to have very robust interaction with companions. This and the 'romance' have also made it necessary to directly the module for a single player audience. D&D for me is first and foremost a collaborate multiplayer experience, so this represents a big change for me. Dialog starts assuming there is one player, and if different players launch conversations things will look odd, i.e. the 'romance' and other relationship will shift from one player to another with no interruption.

I feel bad about this, but it was the only way to tell the story I wanted. Otherwise the multiplayer experience should work, but the dialog and story will jump about a bit.

Bottom line, single player, male character, tall-ish character you can believe having a 'romance' with a human woman would be ideal.


  1. Wow - thank you! Great information - in at least two ways (with regard to usefulness as well as with regard to content). :)

  2. Yeah, I suppose that's the biggest reveal yet.

  3. If players don't mind a 'romance' between a human woman and a short halfling, more power to them. Personally I'd think it's a bit silly looking.

    Hey man, love comes in all shapes and sizes!

  4. ...ok, I think I'm officially a bad person now for posting those 3 pics. Please excuse me while I go look for some old ladys to help across intersections...

  5. I've got no problem with all shapes and sizes... I'm a 6'4" balding guy who's needs to drop 50 lbs married to a beautiful blond lady of Irish decent. (he he...)

    I figure if I didn't suggestion folks would wonder why I didn't mention it ahead of time.

    Where ever did you get those pictures... no wait. Stop me. I don't want to know.

  6. Hello, lots of great nfo there! I'm little sad about the multiplayer issue - but hey, it's not the whole world. Our small adventuring team are used to this problem which is common in single/multiplayer mods. We usually let our party leader do the talking while the other of us sits behind him/her yelling "tell him that and tell this! Ask him about that thing, kill him, lie!!!"

    Just like a party have a thief for the stealing and trap disarming and a cleric for the healing, we usaually have a nice (or bad) character for the main talking. We often let one character do the shopping (as in old BG1). Everyone has an assignment and has an important purpose.

    I've some experince of fixing multiplayer dialog/NPC interaction support after helping some PW-builders. It's simple to build for multiplayer but harder to fix afterwards, not impossible but harder. So if you need some thoughts on it in the future, drop me a line.

    Oops, too long comment. :)

    Balding people rules! I'm not sure it should be that way, but we do rule...

  7. Wow, I'm amazed at how quickly you seem to have come along with this - especially as it was only the end of june that you seemed to announce this and get going - congrats!

    Hey, don!t knock the balding modder! Maybe we need to start our own self-help group ;)

  8. Yeah, most of my stuff is designed with multiplayer in mind, but the romance angle is what I couldn't engineer successfully in multiplayer.

    I think with a bit of creativity and tolerance a multiplayer party could get through it.

    Next mod... if there is a next mod, I'll aim for multiplayer again. :-) It's the way the game is meant to be played (in my humble opinion).

    Progress has been swift, but I've spent a few hours each night and 8-16 hours each weekend. I've converted it before and was able to borrow some scripting from the old copy (but not much). At the very least I had a solid mental starting point.


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