5e Conversion of EX1 Dungeonland

 EX1 Dungeonland - 5e Conversion Guide with Maps - Dungeon Masters Guild | Dungeon Masters Guild (dmsguild.com)

5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creature encounters for the classic module EX1 Dungeonland. The original module is required to use this conversion guide. The module references items in the Dungeon Masters Guide and creatures from the Monster Manual, and Volo’s Guide to Monsters.

The conversion guide is 16 pages. 10 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided.
  1. Maps provided include:
  2. The Long Hall First View
  3. The Long Hall Changed View
  4. The Manse Ground Level
  5. The Manse Lower Level
  6. The Manse Upper Level
  7. The Palace
  8. The Palace Dungeon
  9. The Tiny Garden
  10. The Wilds of Dungeonland
  11. The Woods of Trees and Giant Fungi


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