It Lives - Writing PnP Modules

I've been corresponding regularly with an old friend. He recently suggested I write a text based RPG app for Facebook. I am an MS SQL / ASP.NET guy and don't really have the time or inclination to program this, or learn Php and MySQL.

I have however been thinking about doing more home movies, or short films for my kids. I think I can spin a good yarn, and I have a pretty good vocabulary, but I'm not sure I'm much of a writer. Still writing has always been tempting.

I've always thought about writing a PnP module for DnD. If it were 1st or 2nd edition I'd have no qualms about game balance, but I've not played much 3rd edition, and I've never played 4th edition.

With all that said, I ordered the 4th edition monster manual today, it's the last of the core rulebooks I need for 4th Edition. I'm not sure how far this will go, but I am giving it some thought. Perhaps I can look up my old friends over at and see if they might look over what I put together.

At any rate, perhaps D&D and RPG will make a comeback again, not for NWN2 but in some form there may be a resurgence. Time will tell.


  1. Hi, glad to see that you may be picking up that old interest again. Just wanted to let you know that your post inspired me to order some 4E books - just for fun to see what it's all about nowadays

  2. I might be able to use some screen captures of the wonderful airship you created! It's funny, what got me rolling was a friend who suggested I write a text based RPG app for facebook. He mentioned Zork, which of course made me think of your NWN2 mod.

  3. I've not found myself that taken with the 4e stuff. But I am awaiting my delivery of Pathfinder - 3.5e redux - which I think could be interesting.

    I've toyed with writing modules for print too so be keen to hear how your experience goes.

  4. We'll see how it goes. I might write some fiction at the same time on the side. I might just release the module on a home grown web site when all is said and done. It will be fun just to create this type of material again.


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