60,000 Piece Star Wars Diaorama

My dad forwarded this. Mark Borlase has built a 5' x 10' Hoth base diorama consisting of between 55,000 to 60,000 pieces of LEGO and containing 50 real lights and a remote controlled device that can deploy troops from the AT-ATs.

The diorama took 4 years to complete and cost over $3,000.


  1. Oh, man! I WANT Lego for Christmas!!! No less than 60 000 pieces will do, please Santa.

    So cool. I've forwarded it to all of my Lego-loving friends. Thanks Ernie and a Merry Christmas to you!

  2. Merry Christmas to you to my friend.

  3. Crazy! I love how he's even done the footprints in the snow.

  4. Pretty amazing stuff. My eldest son, the one who's done some artwork I've posted is quite a lego buff.


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