Keep on the Borderlands

* Updated Screen Shot *

I had a nice post on the NWVault module page for Keep on the Borderlands from Mr Darke. He included a screen shot of his adventure through keep on the borderlands. Here it is below.


  1. Mr Darke, is right. The replayability in "Keep on the Borderlands" are high. After playing it in multiplayer with my wife I've played it again with my halfling thief. It was challenging and as fun as the first time.

  2. Yah - Replayability. That's the beauty of well-done hack-n-slash.

    Also - ENoa4 - I notice the compression makes the pic a little jaggy. If you would like a hi-res version of that screen shot I can post it to you. Email me at: (substituting @ for AT of course)


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