8.25 rating from Lariam

I got an 8.25 rating from Lariam on NWN vault. Lariam posted/corresponded with me a bit before the release of his module and I was looking forward to his feedback. I was not disappointed. Here is his post from NWVault.

Finished! It took quite a while, in the end... Thanks for the many hours of fun, ENoa4. :)

I don't know the original, but I must say it's a pretty funny story. Or should I say a simple one. ;) Of course, it's all about hack & slash and dungeon crawling - I knew what to expect and wasn't disappointed.

What did I like? Well, the module looked pretty good. The Keep was very nice, and so were the caves. Also, the location relevant to the elves was somehow touching. The fights were a lot of fun, mostly. (With regard to both these issues, however, I did find the module slightly monotonous, at times. I know that's due to the original.) I know that many have said they would've wished to see more developed companions - more dialogue, etc. Now, of course I agree. Sort of. More dialogue etc. could be very nice, and as I have no doubt that the author could come up with some great stuff, that could naturally have been a big bonus. However, I didn't really miss that. The companions were a good example of relatively silent, yet very well developed companions. They just seemed right. I liked their backgrounds, and their looks. I liked the choices with regard to their races, classes, and so on. Moreover, they did say something at times, and those little touches were quite efficient. The dwarf having a rock in his boots, some of them pointing out the creepy atmosphere at times - very minor things, but they greatly improved the feel of the dungeon crawling. What else... Oh, the map was very neat.

What I didn't like so much? Actually I already said that. The story is what it is. And the caves got slightly monotonous at times. But only slightly... Going back to what I liked, I did like the mood/pacing of the dungeon crawling. And that's what is important in a module like this. Great job! :)

I played with a warlock, started level 1 (a new character), finished level 4, but only 11 xp from level 5. Also, towards the end of the module, I didn't kill everything that moved. Some of the gnolls and the undead, at least, my party left alone. So, I could have easily made it to level 5. Not to level 6, though.

So, all in all this was excellent (recommended to anyone - yeah, even if you don't like hack & slash...yet). Thanks again, ENoa4. I hope you'll decide to make another mod for NWN2 at some point in the future (and I understand if you won't). :)

I'll list some minor things below - typos, etc. They didn't really trouble me much. I'm listing them just because of the potential future updates.

Castellan says:

* '...but the fact is do not attack...' - probably should be '...they do not...'.
* '...closer to it"s...' - probably should be 'its'.

The map says 'Caves of Choas'.

Many of the chairs and cooking pots are named 'InnChair1' or something like that.

A certain cleric says: 'Even know my minions of doom are...' - should be 'now'.

The priest of Torm says: 'I have severed the church here...' - should be 'served', I'd guess. ;)

Someone (the Guild house guy?) says: 'They pay there dues and follow the rules...' - should be 'their', I presume.

The elves says: 'He though he might find some items he needed in the either the nearby...' - should be 'thought' and the first 'the' shouldn't be there, right?

The dwarf's portrait is a bit different from the rest. His head is smaller than usual. But perhaps that's so on purpose.

As far as the setting goes, in the beginning there are some references to Greyhawk (the musician, the location, perhaps, given in the dialogue with the guy at the gate to the Keep), but there are also many FR books scattered around, and of course FR deities are being used. This didn't trouble me, though, and if it didn't trouble me, my guess would be it won't trouble many others. ;)



  1. Thanks, ENoa4! :)

    I should say I'm still sort of learning the new voting standards. But were I to change my vote in the near future, that'd probably be slightly upwards (to 8.5).

    One more thing about the module: I liked the quality of the treasure - it made good sense.


  2. Thanks for the post.

    I really had hoped to do much more with the companions, I had a fourth companion started, with an interesting twist, but was too burned out to continue.

  3. Yeah, I understand. But I really think that the companions are very nice just as they are. :)


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