How I Prep for my Weekly Gaming Session
How I Prep for my Weekly Gaming Session My long-term campaign prep and short-term weekly prep are quite different. The long-term campaign prep is more intensive early on and is ongoing throughout the campaign. The weekly prep is relatively short and quick but the long and short-term prep definitely influence one another. Short Term \ Weekly Prep Prep for the next game takes place during the current game. I take notes as I go. Names, professions, and locations of key NPCs, particularly unexpected or improvised NPCs are written down. Magic items picked up by the party are noted. The date and time of the end of the session are also noted. I am pretty confident I can remember what happened in the session and do need to write that down during the current game. My notes are quick and dirt, usually a bulleted list and just a few words, rarely complete sentences. During the off week, I create an outline for the next sessions. ...