My new 5e conversion guide with maps for D1-2 Descent Into The Depths of the Earth is up over at DMsGuild. Check it out. 5e D&D conversion of the various monsters, magic items, and creature encounters for D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth. The conversion guide is 44 pages. In addition to the PDF conversion guide, the same information is included in an alternate excel format, which the author used in his own campaigns. Finally, 11 maps at 70 DPI are included, ready for online use. Grid and no-grid variants of each map are provided. Maps provided include: Encounter Area 1 1890 by 2170 Encounter Area 2 1820 by 1960 Encounter Area 3 1820 by 1680 Encounter Area 4 1960 by 4060 Encounter Area 5 1960 by 2170 Troglodyte Warrens Complete Troglodyte Warrens West Troglodtye Warrens East Shrine of the Kou Toa 10150 by 6720 Shrine of the Kou Toa Lower Level Northwest (royal chambers) Shrine of the Kou Toa Lower Level Southeast (...